Audience Builder

Define and add the audience as contacts to your Smart targeting account from the location of your choice, at No Extra Cost!

Omer Hassam avatar
Written by Omer Hassam
Updated over a week ago

With this new feature, you can use our mapping tool to define your audience and add them to your contacts in the SmartZip account. You can then unlock the contacts using the credits and also create customized campaigns for the selected audience!

In order to access this feature, please log in to your Smart targeting account, and from the left-hand side choose Add-On’s - Audience Builder.

Selecting Area:

Map Tool: Once you access the feature you will see a mapping tool where you can select your audience. You have multiple options on how you can select your audience:

  1. You can use the search feature on the top right of the screen to search for a particular address or Zip Code and the selected location will be pinned on the map.

You can use the map navigator (Hand Symbol) to maneuver over the map and select the desired location.


Once you have selected the location you will have two options to mark the area that you wish to cover.

1. The Radius Tool: With the radius tool you can select a particular area by drawing a circle around the pinpoint on the map. All you need to do is click on the Radius tool on the top right side of the map and the mouse pointer will turn into a plus symbol (+) when hovered upon the map. Then you can draw the circle by clicking the left mouse button and dragging the mouse pointer till the desired area is selected.  

The second option that you have for selecting the desired area is the Polygon tool which unlike the Radius tool will allow you to preset boundaries on the map as per your requirement. 

To start using the Polygon Tool you will have to click on the Polygon symbol on the top right side of the map tool. 

Once the tool is selected hover over the map and the mouse pointer will change into a + symbol. 

Now choose the first point on the map where you would like to start drawing from and left click on your mouse; this will mark the starting point. You can then drag the mouse to the second mark and click your left mouse button. 

You can continue this process of marking boundaries until the desired area is selected and then you can finally join the final mark with your initial mark to complete the area selection. 

Once the area is selected you will see the “Selection Results” on the right side of the screen beside the mapping tool; this will give you a quick overview of the homes in the area that you selected.
Lift: Lift is looking at the turnover of your selected area's HIGH ranked contacts compared to the turnover of the whole area you have selected.

Under the selection results, you will also have an option to create a label for the selected area.  You can then simply hit “SAVE”  and your selection will be saved and the contacts will be added to your SmartZip Account. 

Where to View Contacts:
Once your selection is saved you can choose the “Contacts” tab from the left-hand side panel and you can use our filter option to search for the newly created label.  To know more on how to apply this label, click here

The contacts that are added to your SmartZip account after you select them from the Audience Builder tool, will be added in a locked state. In order to access the predictive insights of these contacts, you can use the credits available in your account or purchase more credits if needed. To learn how to unlock the contacts please click here.

You can also create a customized mailing campaign to target the selected audience by using our Custom Direct Mail feature. For more details please click here.

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