When a user who originally used Reach150 under one employer, but is moving on to a new company, it is easy to maintain all your recommendations.
1) Log in to your Reach150 profile and go to "Account."
2) You will see these instructions below Notification settings:
Keep Your Recommendations Even After You Leave [Your Company].
Recommendations that you receive at Reach150 Social, Inc. will benefit you now AND in the future.
Let us know your personal email address and we'll create a Reach150 Basic account for you if you do not already have one.
If you already have one, then we'll link this account to your Basic account.
To select a Reach150 plan of your choice, please visit https://www.reach150.com/plans
3) Enter your personal email account to link to your old company employee account, and you will be able to keep past recommendations and publish new recommendations.
NOTE: If your past employee used to sponsor your original Reach150 subscription, contact sales@Reach150.com to find the best subscription option for you as an individual user so you can continue publishing recommendations, even after you've left your company.