Getting your business listed highly on search is one of the most powerful business benefits of Reach150.
We built Reach150 to do all the right things, including exposing your business to today's top search engines. That said, there are simple things you can do to improve the results even more. The four things you have control over and will influence Search results are keywords, recommendations, linking to the Reach150 page, and social signals. Here is how to have impact on them:
Recommendations: Search likes fresh content. This means a steady flow of new recommendations are great to help your search result. Also it helps when your customers write about specific aspects of the service such that relevant keywords are included. But the most important thing is to just keep those recommendations coming!
Linking to your Reach150 site: Another thing Search likes are links to your Reach150 profile. So if you have a a website, include a tab in your website titled “Testimonials” and have it link to your Reach150 site. Any other sites that makes sense to link to your Reach150 site is good to have.
Posting to your social pages: Google increases ranking when the recommendations are posted on social sites. Posting is simple. When you are looking at your page, simply click on the social icon for the recommendation you want to post, and follow the prompted steps.
Search Words (aka Keywords): These are terms and words that your prospects may type to find your service. Therefore including these terms in our Reach150 "about" description will help with search results. For example, your customer may type: “Palo Alto Realtor Home” or “Cisco reseller Bay Area”. So make sure these words are in your Reach150 business description. In general it’s best to include these aspects in your business description: your services, your specialties, OEM venders you support, and words that describe your industry. Also, search engines likes fresh content so it actually helps to periodically update your "about" section.