Widget FAQ

Capture more responses using our widget feature

Omer Hassam avatar
Written by Omer Hassam
Updated over a week ago

Q:  Can I use more than one widget at a time?
A:  For a single website:

We currently only support one widget per webpage.  Supporting multiple widgets on the same webpage is a future enhancement.  Please let your account management team know if you are interested- that way they can notify you when the feature is available and possibly enter you into our Alpha or Beta testing, if applicable.

For multiple webpages:

Absolutely!  You can customize the widget, generate the code to incorporate into your website, and then create a new widget for a different capture site.  For example, on MyMainWebpage.com you could have a widget for SmartHomePrice.com then on MyTeamWebpage.com you can have a widget for NameYourSellingPrice.com.

Q:  How do I install the widget using WordPress?
A:  To use the WordPress Text Widget:

  1. Go to Themes > Widgets in the WordPress Administration Panels.

  2. Open the sidebar, footer, or Theme section to which you wish to add the Text Widget.

  3. Find the Text Widget in the list of Widgets.

  4. Click and drag the Widget to the spot you wish it to appear.

To open and edit the Text Widget:

  1. Click the down arrow to the right of the Text Widget title.

  2. Set the Text Widget Title (optional).

  3. Add the text or HTML code to the box or edit what is currently there.

  4. Choose the option to Automatically add paragraphs to wrap each block of text in an HTML paragraph tag (recommended for text).

  5. Click Save to save the Text Widget.

  6. Click Close to close the Text Widget.

  7. Switch tabs in your browser and preview the results and make changes if necessary.

The Text Widget can hold a variety of HTML, XHTML, and multimedia links and players such as video and object embeds.

Just to note, sometimes WordPress will not allow java scripts to run on their page.  In cases like this, you may need to download a plugin “HTML Javascript Adder.”  This allows the script to run properly.

Q:  If I use a custom URL on my mailers, will those responses come into my lead funnel?
A:  Not by default.  Each of our professionally developed postcards or letters is built for one of our four specific offers and associated lead capture sites. The URLs for your lead capture sites can be found on the URL Settings Page.

We do have specific templates available that allow you to direct your recipients to any custom URL of your choice.  You can use this feature on our "Generic" Templates", "Custom Templates", and all "Handwritten Notes".

If you are using your own personal business site as the URL, make sure that you have a widget attached or a way to capture leads.  Using one of our four branded lead capture websites will allow you to have insight and visibility into who is interacting with your marketing but that should not deter you from using a custom URL, as the widget feature makes capturing leads on any website possible!

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