What are the types of filters?
Omer Hassam avatar
Written by Omer Hassam
Updated over a week ago

Sphere Filters: These filters make it possible to view the Sphere of Influence contacts you have uploaded into the account. It is possible to filter out those who have a High, Medium, or Low likelihood as well as to view the Sphere as a whole or even just your most recent import. The Sphere contacts are automatically filtered to be separate from the Geo-targeted contacts in the farm.

To view the Sphere as a whole, use the Sphere filter located at the top of your Contacts page. 

When wanting to filter specifically for the High, Medium, or Low likelihood filters, you will select All Filters. This will take you to add filters that we have available, including the remaining sphere filters. 

Property Insight Filters: This helpful tool can be used to see a range of different properties that fall under a certain price point, bed and bath count, or type of home. Property filters can be especially useful if you have a buyer with a specific price point or home feature in mind. Filter by the buyer's preference, and follow up with the homeowner to discuss buyer interest. You can also use the property filters to search and market to homeowners with specific property types like condos or townhouses.

Possible Sales Ranking Filters: These filters can break down your Top 20% into smaller increments, so you can see who falls within the 0-5%, 6-10%, 11-15%, or 16-20%. This can be helpful if you would like to target a smaller group within your top 20%.

Ownership Filter: These filters can sort the list to find homeowners that meet different criteria, including absentee owners, homeowner occupied, established owners, and recent buyers. There are also options to see if homeowners have equity, if their home has appreciated since their purchase, if they're underwater, if they're free and clear, and if the home is delinquent. This can be extremely helpful to keep in mind when marketing to those homeowners and properties specifically.

Demographics: These filters sort out homeowners based off of their age, education, income, occupation, and time in their home.

You can utilize any of these filters by simply checking the ones that you would like to use to refine your list. The list will refresh to reflect only properties that fit into your selected filters.

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