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Just Listed/Sold Cards
Just Listed/Sold Card Overview
Just Listed/Sold Card Overview
Oneeb Hassan avatar
Written by Oneeb Hassan
Updated over a week ago

Just Listed/Sold card Overview

The Just Listed/Sold cards are available as an add-on option which are sent to homeowners within your farm. You can build your list based on likelihood to sell or proximity to the sold property.

There is a 100 card minimum at $0.90 per card. If the listing or sale was within your top 20%, you may qualify for a special promo where you will receive 100 Just Listed/Sold mailers free. Contact your Account Management Team for more details.

How do I purchase JL/JS cards?

Step-by-step directions on how to purchase a Just Listed or Just Sold card!

Purchasing a Just Listed/Just Sold mailer is as easy as 1-2-3! Under the Add-ons, you can add these mailers by clicking Get Started, or within the Just Listed/Just Sold campaign, click Add New Marketing:

Step 1

First, you will be redirected to a page where you will have access to a mapping tool. On the right side of the page you can enter the property address. Once the system recognizes the address entered, you will see a drop-down menu with the available addresses, you can then select the right one from the list and the same will be marked on the map. Next enter if the property is listed or sold and then the amount it is listed at or sold for. 

The next option would be to “Define Audience by” choosing from “Your list” or “By Address”.

If you choose “Your list” you will be presented with options to select your Audience from the available or created Labels.

To know more about Labels and how to create them please click here 

If you choose “By Address” you will see the option to select the Radius between 0.25 Miles to 14.0 Miles around the selected address and the selection will be shown on the map. 

Note: For both the options “Your list” and “By Address” you will also have an option to limit your audience between 50 to 500. Once the selection is made you can view the Unique Deliverable Contacts just under the “Limit Audience” option.

Step 2

Click on the “Next” button and you will be directed to an order summary page where you will be able to review your order, including Address, Listing Price, Unique Deliverable Audience, Subtotal, Tax, Order Total.

You can view the Export Date and Estimated Delivery, and if you wish to make any date adjustments you can do so by clicking on the calendar icon. Please refer to the below image.

You can then select any day of the week to schedule/re-schedule your mailers. Once you select a particular date from the calendar, you will see a notification about the Approval Deadline and the Estimated Delivery Range:

*Please note that the approval deadline will vary based on where you are located in the US. The timing (9 AM PST) shown in the above image is for your reference and if you want to export the postcards on the same day we recommend you approve them early in the morning. However, please do not worry, if you miss the approval deadline, we will just export your card the very next day.  Once you approve your postcards within the deadline, we will process everything for the export. The NEW delivery timelines are 2 to 5 days for First Class Postage. *Delivery could vary depending on where you are located in the US. *

You will also view and edit your payment information by clicking on the drop down option and if you have any Promo Codes you can apply and proceed to launch the campaign.

You will also view and edit your payment information by clicking on the drop down option and if you have any Promo Codes you can apply and proceed to launch the campaign.

Your Just Listed or Just Sold mailer will be added to your Just Listed/Just Sold campaign, ready for you to start customizing!

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